Gouf Ignited Yzak Custom

The Gouf Ignited appeared in only HG Gunpla kits as:
1. Blue-colored mass-production ZAFT unit
2. Orange-colored Heine Westenfluss Custom unit
However, there is actually another Gouf unit in the Seed Destiny Anime, and that is the Yzak's Custom.
Yzak only piloted his Gouf Ignited MS nearing the end where the war took place in space.
He appeared together with another unreleased MS, Blaze Zaku Phantom (Dearka's Custom)

I am actually inspired by Desmond, who himself built one Yzak's Gouf Ignited as well.
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Hence, I decide to build my own custom Gouf Ignited.
Building the Gouf Ignited is a totally new experience, since it involves techniques which I have never used before.
Firstly, I masked the parts appropiately,
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Then I sprayed Surface Primer 1000 over the trees,
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The I sprayed paint with Fox Flat White.
Following that I trimmed out the parts and realised that I miss-trimmed the sword!! Darn!
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After that I covered the remainder parts with Vallejo Off White and Gunze Sangyo Aqueous Hobby Color Intermediate Blue.
The pathetic Gunze sangyo simply refuse to be painted very well.
I strongly urged users against the use of Gunze Sangyo's Aqueous Hobby Colors.
Top-coated with Satin top coat.
After that, panels were lined and appropiate parts are chromed.

Gouf Ignited Yzak Custom

Gallery updated at MECHA:BASE.
or click image to access gallery directly.

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Laurens said…
though im not a hardcore anime fan,but i like it
Laurens said…
u must really like this piece,cos i see u took many pix,haha