GFF #0020: Madrock

I have just acquired the following restock of
Gundam Fix Figuration #0020 RX-78-5/6 Madrock
The reason for getting it is because I never got myself to buy an MG RX-78-5 Gundam G05, which I personally find it damn cool.
But I did not really like the RX-78-6 Madrock which reminds me a lot of my F91 Guncannon kit.
I am not sure if this is a wise decision since I have #0031 and #0032 in mind.
Heck, I lub lobots and m not gonna regret!

The box art - front
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The box art - rear
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Laurens said…
bway swee lah madrock nvr buy eva......haha
You need to understand,
I am a sucker for GFF than Revoltech. LOL.
Maybe when I return this week and got nothing to buy, I'll buy a Revoltech! DANTE!