my secret affair

"my secret affair"
I admit that I have recently been having a secret affair. She really loves me and will always come to me and get really physical, such that I can feel her lean and well-toned body against me. I will then stroke her with my palms while she lay beside me. She will get really relaxed and comfortable everytime I caress her ears, neck, breast, rump and .....
Before you get the wrong idea, my secret affair is this female feline whom I have been seeing lately during my free time.
Photography and Editing by William Tan
Equipment: Nikon D200 with Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8

M@c OS X Tabby
the latest macintosh software
a California Spangled Cat lookalike
M@c OS X Tabby

Hairy Sharp
when I commended my
Tamron A16 for giving me hair-splitting sharp images,
I seek to prove it with the help of Tabby.
up close and personal

All Rights Reserved
©William Tan 2007

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